Plugin / Click & Call

Plugin / Click & Call

Our Click & Call Plugin is a program that ensures that you no longer have to enter a telephone number. With the push of a button, your telephone, app or Webphone will then call out to the chosen number.
What can you do with the plugin?
Installation Follow the steps below to install the plugin:
How does it work?
Settings in Freedom
Outgoing call
  • Select the number with the mouse
  • Click the right mouse button
  • Click 'call selected number'’


This will log you out and display the login screen again. Once you are logged out, you will no longer be able to use Click and Call.


If you often switch between your destinations, the plugin is a useful tool for this. If you click on 'Accessibility', the accessibility form will expand. Here you can quickly indicate whether you are accessible or not by clicking on 'YES' or 'NO'. You can only click on 'YES' if you have destinations. If you have clicked on 'YES', you can select your destination from the dropdown. As soon as you click on a destination, it will be saved immediately.



Under 'Colleagues' you can immediately see whether your colleagues are busy or not, comparable to the BLF on an attendant console. You can search by name or extension and with one click call a colleague directly. You can see the availability of your colleagues by the color of the handset: available (green), being called (flashing red), and busy (red).


If you have queues in your organization, you can use the plugin to keep track of how many people are currently waiting in your queues.

Since each waiting queue is associated with a call group, the waiting queues are divided by call group. If you have multiple waiting queues that lead to the same call group, the number of waiting customers in these queues will be added together. If you click on 'Waiting Queues', the list will expand to show the waiting queues in your organization.

Each queue shows the number of people waiting in that specific queue. When you click on a queue in the list, a green checkmark appears, indicating that it is your "primary" queue. The toolbar icon now changes to a queue icon with the number of people waiting in this queue. If you click on the queue again, it will be deselected and the toolbar icon will change back to the phone icon.

Toolbar icon

  • The toolbar icon can take on different forms. By default, when you are logged out, it is a gray phone:
  • When you are logged in and your availability status is set to "YES", this icon turns green:
  • When you are logged in and your availability status is set to "NO", this icon turns red:
  • If you have queues and you have selected one as the primary queue, the icon shows the number of waiting for callers in this queue:
  • If you select one of the queues, the Voys logo will no longer be displayed, but instead, you will see the number of waiting callers. However, if you change your availability, the icon will change for 5 seconds to the green or red Voys logo.

FAQ about Click & Call plugin

Where can I find your coding for this plugin?
Can the Plugin also be used on the telephone?
How do I log out of the Plugin?
I have feedback on your help pages!


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