Call Notifications

Call Notifications

The Conversation Notifications module enables automatic sending of conversation data to a URL specified by you. These conversation notifications are sent to the specified URL for all conversations within your Freedom environment. If you link these conversation notifications to your CRM package, you can see who was called, what time it was, and how long the conversation lasted. The conversation notifications are triggered for incoming, internal, and outgoing calls. You can also use the conversation notifications for other purposes, such as measuring conversation statistics.

Conversation notifications

During a conversation, information is sent to the specified URL. Below are the 6 moments when this happens for incoming, internal, and outgoing calls.

  • Created
  • Ringing
  • Answered
  • Warm transfer
  • Cold transfer
  • Hang-up

On the Technical Specifications page, it is explained which information is sent during the 6 moments of a conversation.

Technical SpecificationsTechnical Specifications
Call Notification Set Up Guidelines
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