Temporary Redirect

Temporary Redirect

What can you do with the Temporary Redirect?
  • With the “Temporary Diversion” function it is possible to forward all telephone numbers, including underlying calling plans, to a destination on an ad hoc basis.
  • At the moment it is only possible to temporarily redirect to a voicemail. The diversion will remain active until a specific time you have set.
  • After this time, the temporary diversion is lifted and incoming calls return to the normal dialing plan configurations.
Set up Temporary Redirect via Freedom
Set up Temporary Redirection via the App
Set up Temporary diversion via the Webphone

FAQ about Temporary redirect

What about the future of this feature?
Can I add different temporary redirects?
Can I enable this function for several days?
How can you see that the temporary diversion is active?
I cannot find the temporary redirect anywhere.
I have feedback on your help pages!


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