Security Measures

Security Measures

How can I set up extra measures to keep my telephone system safe?
My colleague,Alex, has written an easy to read article about this 😊 Stay Cyber Safe: Ten Tips to Hack-Proof Your VoIP Account
Dial out restrictions
  • Prevent abuse by restricting an extension to only dial certain numbers.
  • For instance, South African landlines and cell phones or not dial international numbers.
Do not use obvious passwords.
  • Try to do a combination of characters, letters, etc
  • Practice
Enable 2 factor authentication on Freedom
Fraud detection
  • Voys automatically detects irregular call behavior.
  • We do our best to notify you before your phone bill spirals out of control.
  • Our fraud detection measurements work but they are not bullet proof, thus we encourage you to regularly change your passwords
Avoiding unwanted calls
  • If you're being harassed by a person or company, you can set up a filter for that number.
  • In the Dialplan leave the step after 'Meets conditions' empty to disconnect calls from this number.
Recording of calls
  • It can be used to monitor calls for security in case of legal recourse and quality assurance of colleagues and target market and/or clientele.
  • Legal aspect: Please note that you are responsible for the legal compliance of recording phone calls. This means that you have to inform the caller about recording their phone call.
  • See more onΒ Call recording.
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