VoIP account

VoIP account

Your IP phone needs a VoIP account to sign up on the Voys platform, where it may be recognized and used to place and receive calls over the Voys network. You can find an overview of all the VoIP accounts in your Freedom account under the admin page.
VoIP-account in Freedom

Connected user(s):

Each user has three VoIP accounts connected; one for a physical device, one for the Voys Webphone, and one for the Voys app.

Account ID:

This is the number identification of your VoIP account. You need this number for setting up your physical device.

Three dots:

When you click on the three dots on the right of the VoIP account you get the following options:

  • Deactivate: here you can deactivate your VoIP account. When this is the case, you cannot use this account for calling.
  • Provisioning: Click here when you want to install a Cisco phone on this VoIP account.
  • Edit: Here you can edit the VoIP account; this is also possible by clicking on the account number.
  • Delete: Do you want to delete a VoIP account, click here.

When you click on a VoIP account you see the following things:

  • Description. Here you can change the name of the VoIP account.
  • Account-ID. This is the number identification of your VoIP account. You need this number for setting up your physical device.
  • Password: This is the password of the VoIP account. You need this for manually installing your IP Phone,
  • Internal Number: the internal number of the VoIP account, this can be called internally by your colleagues.
Tip: You can install almost any IP Phone with a VoIP account. Do you need help with the installation? Click here.
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