The outgoing number, also known as CLI, is the number that appears on the person's display when you make a call.
If you have one phone number under your account, our system automatically uses this number, and you don't have to do anything.
If you have multiple numbers and want to make calls using only one number, set up a main number.
- Log in to Freedom
- Click on Admin in the menu bar
- Click on Phone number
- Select the correct phone number under the Outgoing main phone number.
- Click on Save.
Changing outgoing number in Voys Complete. (Freedom Unlimited)
Log in to Freedom
- Go to Admin in the menu bar
- Click on Users
- Click on the user you want to change the outgoing numbers for.
- Click on outgoing calls, there are two options.
- Select 'Use the same outgoing phone number for all phones' if you want all your accounts to call the same number.
- Then select the telephone number you want to use under 'Outgoing phone number'.
- Specify the 'Outgoing name' you want to use when making internal calls or leave it blank.
- Select 'Use different outgoing phone numbers per phone' if you want to make calls with different accounts.
- Now indicate for each 'device' with which 'outgoing phone number' you want to make calls.
If you have a custom account with us i.e. your calls are billed per second and want to determine which number to use for each device, follow the steps below.
- Log in to Freedom
- Go to Admin in the menu bar
- Click on the VoIP account
- Click on the VoIP account (device extension) for which you want to change the outgoing number.
- Enter the number you want to use as your outgoing number in the Outgoing number field and click 'Save'. If you want to make an anonymous call, check the 'Suppress outgoing number' box
- That's it! Try it out by calling your own mobile phone.
Note: You can only send a number that is linked to your Voys account
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