Opening hours | Advanced

Opening hours | Advanced

Do you want to adjust that happens when somebody calls your business' number at a certain time, day, or date?

Opening hours - advanced will cater more to the specifics in your calling plan, such as when there is a public holiday on Sunday followed by a holiday on Monday.

How to set-up opening hours | Advanced?

  1. Log in on Freedom
  2. image
  3. Go to 'Admin' >> 'Opening hours' (under Options)
  4. Click Add to create a new condition for a specific time or period of unavailability.
  5. Name your Opening Hours group.
  6. Add a description for easy reference (e.g. 'General business hours').
  7. Click Step 2.
  8. Set the 'Opening hours and days'  to the specific day/ date/ time combination you wish to use this condition for.
  9. Click Save.

Update your Dialplan

Now add your newly created Opening Hours| advance feature to your Dialplan as the first step.

Please note: Your Dialplan must first be empty before you can add Opening Hours.

Public holidays

The public holidays can be set under Opening hours | Basic which  is available here

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